What Questions Should I ask?
I need ideas for questions to ask people as I pass the iPad in my travels. If you were the one doing this exercise, what type of questions would you ask? How would you guide the conversation?
Tate Tuti,
Onawa tu?
Great ideas, great questions generating so far. I’d quite fascinated with the reactions of fear, anxiety, surprise, joy, and more that you encounter and from as wide a demographic perspective as possible.
For instance, I would want you to describe the people a bit more so that we can get some background. This might mean you have to ask questions – make up a script of 1-3 minutes, 4-7 minutes, 8-15 minutes depending on how much time people have to spend with you. Have a battery of questions you’ll ask them – even informally through your own field notes as needed (or more if you do IRB).
We talk more about this in days ahead! (Like on the way to PE!)
Ongiini Tate,
Looking forward to seeing you shortly. I am currently in Owambo and will be going to schools there and passing the iPad around.
I like the idea of a script I think it’ll make it more consistent.
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