Tutaleni Iita Asino




Tutaleni Iita Asino








Dual-Title PhD; Learning, Design, and Technology & Comparative and International Education
The Pennsylvania State University
Co- Chairs: Dr. Simon Hooper & Dr. Ladislaus Semali

Master of Science; Instructional Systems and Technology,
Cabrini College

Master of Arts; Corporate Communication;
Master of Science, Multimedia Technologies
Bachelor of Arts, Media Studies & Political Science
Duquesne University



Oklahoma State University

Assistant Professor, Educational Technology, School of Educational Foundations, Leadership and Aviation (2015 – Present)

Director, Emerging Technologies and Creativity Research Lab, College of Education, Health and Aviation, (2018 – Present)

Affiliated Faculty, School of International Studies (2016 – Present)


Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla (UPAEP)

Visiting Professor (Summer 2017)


Namibia Institute of Public Admin and Management (NIPAM)

Scholar in Residence (Summer 2016)



2017 – Best Round table Paper from the AECT division of Organizational Training and Performance (The Multimedia Principle: A Meta-Analysis on the Multimedia Principle in Computer-Based Training).

2016 – Phi Beta Delta Honor Society for International Scholars

2013 – National Science Foundation Early Career Award, Association for Educational Communications & Technology (AECT)

2012 – AECT Cochran Intern

2011 – Presidential Award for outstanding service to AECT

2011 – R.W. “Buddy” Burniske” Award by the International Division of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT)

2011 – Ralph T. Heimer Award – For outstanding achievement by a doctoral candidate enrolled in Instructional Systems. Awarded by College of Education, Penn State University

2000 – Beard Award for Leadership and Ethics, Duquesne University



Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

Bayeck, R. Y., Asino, T. I. & Young, P. A. (2018). Representations of Africans in Popular Video Games in the U.S. Journal For Virtual Worlds Research, 11(2).

Boer, P. J., & Asino, T. I. (2018). Kopano Virtual Forum: Using Cultural Norms to Develop Online Communities of Practice Environments. TechTrends, 1-11.

Krutka, D. G., Asino, T.I. & Haselwood, S. (2018). #OklaEd and the #OklaEdWalkout: Eight Lessons on Networked Teacher Activism. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 18(2)

Baker, A. & & Asino, T. I., (2017) Impact of Professional Development on Technology Innovation Implementation by Ugandan Teachers: A Mixed Methods Study. International Journal of Educational Development 12(3) DOI: 10.26907/esd12.3.02

Asino, T. I., Giacumo, L. A., & Chen, V. (2017). Culture as a design “next”: Theoretical frameworks to guide new design, development, and research of learning environments. Introduction, The Design Journal, 20:sup1, S875-S885, DOI: 10.1080/14606925.2017.135303

Pastore, R., Briskin, J., Asino, T. I. (2016). The multimedia principle: a meta-analysis on the multimedia principle in computer-based training. International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning, 13 (11), 17-30.

Bayeck, R. Y., Asino, T. I. & Malisa, M. (2015) A Review of Culture, Indigenous Knowledge and Development in Africa: Reviving Interconnections For Sustainable Development. IK: Other Ways of Knowing 1(2): 201-205

Zaballero, A., Asino, T. I., & Briskin, J. (2015). Instructional Design Skills Need to Keep up With Pace of Change. Talent Development, 69(6), 9.

Wilson, D. A., Wu, Y., Engerman, J., & Asino, T. I. (2014). Prototype for a Mobile Learning Application for Student Success and Retention. National Association for Developmental Education (NADE) Digest 7(1).

Semali, L. & Asino, T. I. (2013). Postliteracy in the Digital Age: Use of Mobile Phones to Support Literacy Practices in Namibia and Tanzania. Prospects, 44(1), 81-97. doi: 10.1007/s11125-012-9254-6)

Semali, L. M., & Asino, T. I. (2013). Decolonizing cultural heritage of Indigenous people and their knowledge from images in global films. Decolonization: Indigeneity, Education & Society, 2(2).


Non-Refereed Journal Articles

Dickson-Deane, C. & Asino, T.I. (2018) Don’t Forget, Instructional Design Is About Problem Solving. Educause review, available at https://er.educause.edu/blogs/2018/3/dont-forget-instructional-design-is-about-problem-solving

Cooper, M & Asino, T.I. (2018) Web-Based Training in the Rural Fire Service. Firehouse April 2018 pp. 84-87.

Dousay, T., & Asino, T. I. (2017). Situating the Conversation on Social Media, Emerging Spaces and Professional Development in the Twenty-First Century. TechTrends, 61(3), 206-207. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11528-017-0182-4

Asino, T. I. (2015). The future of our field. TechTrends, 59(20). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11528-014-0816-8

Asino, T. I. (2014). Positing the Future. TechTrends, 58(17). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11528-014-0782-1

Asino, T. I. (2013). My All Access Pass. TechTrends, 57(3), 8.

Asino, T. I. & Sadaf, A. (2012). 2011 AECT International Convention Committee, Division and Society Reports: Graduate Student Assembly. TechTrends, 56(2), 39.

Asino, T. I. (2011). No electricity? No problem! How about some petrol iPad? TechTrends, 55(1)

Montalto-Rook, M., & Asino, T. I. (2011). 2010 AECT International Convention Committee, Division and Society Reports: Graduate Student Assembly. TechTrends, 55(2), 7-8.


Chapters in Books

Asino, T. I. & Giacumo, L. A. (in press). Culture and global workplace learning. In Editors: V. H. Kenon & S. Palsole (Eds), Global Handbook for Workplace Learning and Development. Wiley Publishing

Young, P. & Asino, T. I. (in press). Cultural Implications in Educational Technology: A Survey. The Handbook of Research in Educational Communications & Technology

Asino, T. I. (2018). Technology Integration through genuine Partnership. In Abrams, S. S., Chen, J., and Downton, M. Managing Educational Technology: School Partnerships & Technology Integration. (pp. 28-31). London: Routledge.

Asino, T. I., & *Gok, A. (2017). Game Based Learning across Cultures. In Y. Baek (Eds). Game-Based Learning: Theory, Strategies and Performance Outcomes (pp. 279-295). Nova Science Publishers, inc.

*Baker, A.D., Asino, T. I., *Xiu, Y., & *Fulgencio, J. L. (2017). Logistical Issues With OER Initiative in a K-12 Environment. In M. Mills, & D. Wake (Eds.), Empowering Learners With Mobile Open-Access Learning Initiatives (pp. 125-146). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-2122-8.ch007

*Xiu, Y., *Fulgencio, J. L., Asino, T. I., & *Baker, A. D. (2017). Mobile Apps in Open Educational Resources. In M. Mills, & D. Wake (Eds.), Empowering Learners With Mobile Open-Access Learning Initiatives (pp. 147-170). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-2122-8.ch008

Hooper, S. & Asino, T. I. (2015). Information Visualization. In J. M. Spector (Ed.), Encyclopaedia of educational technology (pp. 381-384). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.

Mushiba, M. & Asino, T. I. (2015). Afrikan Pedagogy & Technology-Supported Learning. In Bidwell, N. J., & Winschiers-Theophilus, H. (Eds.) At the Intersection of Indigenous and Traditional Knowledge and Technology Design (pp. 135-150). Santa Rosa, CA: Informing Science Press.

Menefee, T. & Asino, T. I. (2014). Beyond Pure Forms: Appraising The Role of Indigenous Knowledge in Teacher Training. In A.W. Wiseman & E. Anderson (Eds.), Annual Review of Comparative and International Education 2014 (pp. 23-35). Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing.

Zaballero, A. G., Asino, T. I., & Briskin, J. (2012). Leveraging Workforce Diversity: Utilizing Technology. In C. Scott, & M. Byrd (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Workforce Diversity in a Global Society: Technologies and Concepts (pp. 523-537). Hershey, PA: Business Science Reference.

Asino, T. I., Wilder, H. & Ferris, S.P. (2011). Innovative Use of ICT in Namibia for Nationhood. In Lekoko, R.N. & Semali, L.M. (Ed.), Cases on Developing Countries and ICT Integration: Rural Community Development (pp. 53-61). Idea Group.


Conference Proceedings

Pastore, R., Briskin, J. & Asino, T. I. (2017). The Multimedia Principle: A Meta-Analysis on the Multimedia Principle in Computer-Based Training. In P. Resta & S. Smith (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2017 (pp. 1044-1050). Chesapeake, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).

*Dalinger, T., *Haselwood, S., *Fulgencio, J., *Schwark , C., *Xiu, Y., & Asino, T. I., (2016). Cognitive Load as an Inhibitor to Technology Adoption in P-12 Schools. In M. Simonson (Ed.), 39th Annual Proceedings of Selected Research and Development Papers Presented at the Annual Convention of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Volume 1 (pp. 24-32). Bloomington, IN: AECT.

Asino, T. I., Haselwood, S. & Baker, A. (2016). Twitter Chats and the evolution of Teacher Professional Development. In G. Chamblee & L. Langub (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2016 (pp. 1795-1800). Chesapeake, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).

Bayeck, R. Y. & Asino, T. I. (2015). The applicability of Design thinking process in education: The case of two African countries. In M. Simonson (Ed.), 38th Annual Proceedings of Selected Research and Development Papers Presented at the Annual Convention of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Volume 1 (pp. 23-26). Bloomington, IN: AECT.

Asino, T. I.; Clariana, R., Dong, Y., Groff, B.; Ntshalintshali, G., Taricani, E.; Techatassanasoontorn, C., & Wu, Y. (2012). The effect of independent and interdependent group collaboration on knowledge extent, form and convergence (2012). In M. Simonson (Ed.), 35th Annual Proceedings of Selected Research and Development Papers Presented at the Annual Convention of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Volume 1 (pp. 20-29). Bloomington, IN: AECT.

Briskin, J., Asino, T. I., Montalto-Rook, M., & Dong, Y. (2010). Smart apps: An analysis of educational applications available on smartphones and the implications for mobile learning. In M. Simonson (Ed.), 33rd Annual Proceedings of Selected Research and Development Papers Presented at the Annual Convention of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Volume 2 (pp. 32-38). Bloomington, IN: AECT.

Montalto-Rook, M., Asino, T. I., & Thanomsing, C. (2010). Instructional design theories on mLearning: Developing a framework. In M. Simonson (Ed.), 33rd Annual Proceedings of Selected Research and Development Papers Presented at the Annual Convention of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Volume 2 (pp. 195-198). Bloomington, IN: AECT.



Invited Talks/Presentations

Asino, T. I. (2018, July). Keynote Address: Bridging Afrikan and global perspectives about technology in education. Presented at e/Merge Africa Learning Festival Conference.

Asino, T. I. (2017, July). Keynote Presentation: The Transformative Power of Technology. Presented at Teaching with Technology Symposium The Institute for Teaching and Learning Excellence (ITLE), Oklahoma State University, Oklahoma, USA.

Asino, T. I. (2017, July). Mobile Learning: Strategies for Integrating mobile device in classroom practices. Presented at The Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla. Puebla, Mexico.

Asino, T. I. (2017, July). Dispositivos móviles y Recursos Educativos Abiertos / Conference “Mobile devices and Open Educational Resources. Presented at The Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla. Puebla, Mexico.

Asino, T. I. (2017, July). Gamification ¿Qué es? Gamification: What is it? Why it matters? How do I do it? Presented at The Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla. Puebla, Mexico.

Asino, T. I. (2016, November). Adoption and diffusion of technology in Afrikan countries. Presentation for e/merge Africa. Online Webinar.

Asino, T.I, Briskin, J., & Zaballero, A. G. (2015, July). Competencies, Challenges and Trends in Instructional Design: Results of Research by ATD, IACET, and R&A. Presentation for the International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET). Online Webinar.

Briskin, J., Asino, T. I., Zaballero, A. G. Newbauer, K., & Parker, A. (2015, July). Competencies, Challenges, And Trends In Instructional Design. Presentation for the Association for Talent Development, Online Webinar

Asino, T. I., Malapile, L. J., & Dousay, T. A. (2013, May). Children as Designers: A Case of Namibia, South Africa and US. Presentation at eLearning Africa 2013. Windhoek, Namibia.


Peer Reviewed Presentation

International Conferences

Dallinger, T. & Asino, T.I. (2018, October). Design of an Instrument Measuring P-12 Teachers’ Cognitive Load and Intent to Adopt Technology. Presented at the Association for Educational Communications and Technology Annual Conference. Kansas City, Missouri, USA.

Asino, T.I., Alvarado-Albertorio, F., Essmiller, K., Xiu, Y., Chaivisit, S, Kim, Y., & Stansberry, S. (2018, October). ETS-The Oklahoma State University Emerging Technologies Creativity and Research Lab. Presented at the Association for Educational Communications and Technology Annual Conference. Kansas City, Missouri, USA.

Sarsar, F, Asino, T.I., & Brown III, W. (2018, October). When Culture Meets Peer to Peer Teaching. Presented at the Association for Educational Communications and Technology Annual Conference. Kansas City, Missouri, USA.

Subramony, D. P.; Bradshaw, A. C; Asino, T.I., & Young, P. (2018, October). Addressing “Culture” in Educational Technology Scholarship and Practice. Presented at the Association for Educational Communications and Technology Annual Conference. Kansas City, Missouri, USA.

Wilson, B. G., Asino, T.I., Lowenthal, P. R., & McDonald, J. K. (2018, October). Becoming Learning Designers: A Journey for New Professionals (with Help from Academic Programs). Presented at the Association for Educational Communications and Technology Annual Conference. Kansas City, Missouri, USA.

Asino, T.I., Dousay, T.A., Weible, J. L., & Essmiller, K. (2018, October). Networking Tips and Tricks?. Presented at the Association for Educational Communications and Technology Annual Conference. Kansas City, Missouri, USA.

Akgun, M., Tietjen, P. & Asino, T.I. (2018, October). Engaging with learners as designers in an Information, Science and Technology Course. Presented at the Association for Educational Communications and Technology Annual Conference. Kansas City, Missouri, USA.

Asino, T. I., Thompson, P., & Essmiller, K. (2018, April). Nerds and Artsy-Fartsies Unite! Applying a Maker’s Lens to K–12 Computer Education. Presented at the American Educational Research Association. (AERA) Annual Conference, New York, NY, USA.

Krutka, D. G., Haselwood, S., & Asino, T.I., (2018, April). #OklaEd as an Illustrative Example of the Power and Fragility of Networked Teacher Activism. Presented at the American Educational Research Association. (AERA) Annual Conference, New York, NY, USA.

Asino, T. I. & Anagiotos, C. (2018, March). Twitter and Indigenous knowledge representation. Presented at the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) Annual Conference, Mexico City, Mexico.

Asino, T.I., Young, P., Spector, J. M., Kowch, E., Tracey, M., Giacumo, L. A., Bass-Flimmons, E. (2017, November). Leading Learning for Change: A Precious Partnership Across Cultures. Presidential session presented at the Association for Educational Communications and Technology Annual Conference. Jacksonville, Florida, USA.

Asino, T.I., Pulay, A. S., Chandrasekera, T., & Damicone, A. (2017, November). Examining the connection between Educational Technologies and Classroom Space. Presented at the Association for Educational Communications and Technology Annual Conference. Jacksonville, Florida, USA.

Thompson, P., Asino, T. I., & Essmiller, K. (2017, November). Many Cooks in the Technology Kitchen: Integrating ADDIE and Early-Grades Computer Science Education. Presented at the Association for Educational Communications and Technology Annual Conference. Jacksonville, Florida, USA.

Pastore, R., Briskin, J., Asino, T. I. (2017, November). The Multimedia Principle: A Meta-Analysis on the Multimedia Principle in Computer-Based Training. Presented at the Association for Educational Communications and Technology Annual Conference, Jacksonville. Florida, USA.

Carr, T., Asino, T.I., Dousay, T.A., & Barlow-Zambodla, A. (2017, November). e-Merge-The powers of networks in advancing professional development of educational technologists: The case of e/merge Africa & AECT. Presented at the Association for Educational Communications and Technology Annual Conference, Jacksonville, Florida, USA.

Sorensen Irvine, C. K., Asino, T.I., Aydin, C.H., Baylen, D.M., Dousay, T. A., Hale, P., Hirumi, A., & Sockman, B. R. (2017, November) Leading in a Changing Landscape: A Cross Division Perspective on Federal Policies Impacting Our Field. Presidential session Presented at the Association for Educational Communications and Technology Annual Conference, Jacksonville, Florida, USA.

Benson, A., Wills-Espinosa, N., Asino, T. I., Barlow-Zambodla, A., Chien, S. & Yeh, H., Dickson-Deane, C., & Lumpkin, P. A. (2017, November). Moving together through global collaborations. Presented at the Association for Educational Communications and Technology Annual Conference, Jacksonville, Florida, USA.

Asino, T. I. Giacumo, L. A., & Chen, V. (2017, April). Culture as a design “next”. Paper presented at the S 12th European Academy of Design Conference, Rome Italy.

Pastore, R., Briskin, J., Asino, T. I. (2017, March). The Multimedia Principle: A Meta-Analysis on the Multimedia Principle in Computer-Based Training. Presented at the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE) Annual Conference, Austin, Texas, USA.

Rothwell, W. J. Zaballero, A., Asino,T.I, Briskin, J. & Newbauer, K. (2016, October). Investigating Instructional Design Competencies in a Fast-paced Changing Environment. Presented at the International Conference on Competence Theory, Research and Practice, Wageningen, Netherlands.

Giacumo, L.A. & Asino T.I. (2016, October). Instructional Designers, Culture, and ID Practices in International Non Governmental Organisations. Paper presented at the Association for Educational Communications and Technology Annual Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.

Asino, T. I., Dousay, T. A., Kapptie, *Haselwood, S., & *Baker, A. (2016, October) Reading between the lines: Where do social media platforms fit in the teacher professional development landscape? Panel discussion presented at the Association for Educational Communications and Technology Annual Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.

*Xiu, Y., Thompson, P., Asino, T. I., *Dalinger, T., *Haselwood, S., *Fulgencio, J., & *Schwark , C. (2016, October) The Impact of Interactive Video on Students’ Learning. Paper presented at the Association for Educational Communications and Technology Annual Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.

*Haselwood, S., *Fulgencio, J., & *Schwark , C., *Ying Xiu, Y., Asino, T. I., Dalinger, T., Stansberry, S. (2016, October). Using Gamification in a University Makerspace to Promote Creative Thinking. Paper presented at the Association for Educational Communications and Technology Annual Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.

Asino, T. I., *Dalinger, T., *Haselwood, S., *Fulgencio, J., *Schwark , C., & *Xiu, Y., (2016, October). Walking the student centered line. Paper presented at the Association for Educational Communications and Technology Annual Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.

*Dalinger, T., *Haselwood, S., *Fulgencio, J., *Schwark , C., *Xiu, Y., & Asino, T. I. (2016, October). Cognitive Load as an Inhibitor to Technology Adoption in P-12 Schools. Paper presented at the Association for Educational Communications and Technology Annual Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.

Horton, A., Asino, T. I., Tolbert, D., Joseph, R (2016, October). Testing Your Research Idea. Panel discussion presented at the Association for Educational Communications and Technology Annual Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada.

Asino, T.I. & Young, P. (2016, April) Exploring the interstices of culture-specific design and technological innovation: An international examination of culture-specific products and services. Presented at the American Educational Research Association. (AERA) Annual Conference, Washington, D.C., USA.

Asino, T. I. & Stager, S. J. (2016, March). Examining Afrikan Higher Education Integration processes. Paper presented as part of the “Three Decades of Integration Initiatives in the Arab Gulf, Latin America and the Caribbean, South East Asia, and Africa” Panel at the Comparative and International Society Conference, Vancouver, BC, Canada.

Asino, T.I., *Haselwood, S., *Baker, A. (2016, March). Twitter Chats and the evolution of Teacher Professional Development. Presented at the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE) Annual Conference, Savannah, GA, USA.

Asino, T. I. & Bass-Flimmons, E. (2015, November). Evaluating Africa’s mobile learning projects: A review of the current research. Paper presented at the Association for Educational Communications and Technology Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN, USA.

Bayeck, R. Y. & Asino, T. I. (2015, November). The applicability of Design thinking process in education: The case of two African countries. Paper presented at the Association for Educational Communications and Technology Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN, USA.

Briskin, J., Charsky, D. & Asino, T. I. (2015, November). Creating Educational Infographics. Presented at the Association for Educational Communications and Technology Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN, USA.

Chen, S-H., Asino, T. I., Nasongkhla, J., & Donaldson, J. A. (2015, November). What are OER and MOOCs? Global Perspective of Open educational Resources. Paper presented at the Association for Educational Communications and Technology Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN, USA.

Asino, T.I, Briskin, J., Charsky, D., & Haselwood, S. (2015, November) ‘How’d you do that? – 2015 Emerging Technology Showcase for K-12 Educators. Presented at the Association for Educational Communications and Technology Annual Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana.

Asino, T. I. (2015, March). Dumela! This Is How We Say Hello. Paper presented at the Comparative and International Society Conference, Washington, D.C. , USA.

Asino, T. I. (2015, March). Indigenous Knowledge and STEM. Paper presented at the Comparative and International Society Conference, Washington, DC, USA.

Wilder, H. & Asino, T. I. (2015, March). The influence and impact of international development and aid donors on Namibia’s ICT in education efforts. Paper presented at the Comparative and International Society Conference, Washington, DC, USA.

Asino, T. I. (2014, November). Factors that Influence Diffusion of Mobile Devices in Higher Education – Paper presented at the Association for Educational Communications and Technology Annual Conference, Jacksonville, Florida, USA.

Asino, T. I. & Grant, M. (2014, November). Walking the Walk or Just Talk? An Exploration of Faculty Members’ Student-centeredness in the Field of Instructional Design & Technology – Paper presented at the Association for Educational Communications and Technology Annual Conference, Jacksonville, Florida, USA.

Stager, S. J., Obeysekare, E., & Asino, T. I. (2014, March). Are Massively Open Online Courses a way for developing countries to realising EFA goals or another ICT tool for the privileged? Paper presented at the Comparative and International Society Conference, Toronto, ON, CA.

Techatassanasoontorn, C., Asino, T. I., Briskin, J., Stager, S. J. & Yan, Yu (2013, November). Using Mobile Technology for Active Learning in the Big Classroom. Paper presented at the International Conference of Educational Innovation through Technology (EITT). Williamsburg, VA, USA.

Asino, T. I., Malapile, L. J., & Dousay, T. A. (2013, November). Children as Designers: A Case of Namibia, South Africa and US. Roundtable session presented at the Association for Educational Communications and Technology Annual Conference, Anaheim, CA, USA.

Asino, T. I. & Stager, S. J. (2013, March). Policing and Legislating mLearning: How policy makers influence the adoption of mobile devices for learning in classrooms in Namibia and Tanzania. Paper presented at the Comparative and International Society Conference, New Orleans, LA, USA.

Stager, S. J. & Asino, T. I. (2013, March). Strategies for Differentiating Means of Social Interaction on Mobile Devices: Using Social Media to manage Scholarly Information. Paper presented at the Comparative and International Society Conference, New Orleans, LA, USA.

Stager, S. J., Semali, L & Asino, T. I. (2013, March). Poverty traps as key threats to achieving EFA in Sub-Saharan Africa. Paper presented at the Comparative and International Society Conference, New Orleans, LA, USA.

Asino, T. I. & Tietjen, P. (2012, November). Can you add me? Examining the use of Google Docs in Knowledge Building and Creating a Community of Practice. Paper presented at the Association for Educational Communications and Technology Annual Conference, Louisville, Kentucky, USA.

Taricani, E.; Groff, B.; Asino, T. I.; Dong, Y., Ntshalintshali, G., Techatassanasoontorn, C., Wu, Y., Clariana, R. (2012, November). The effect of independent and interdependent group collaboration on knowledge extent, form and convergence. Paper presented at the Association for Educational Communications and Technology Annual Conference, Louisville, Kentucky, USA.

Asino, T. I., Boling, E. Donaldson, J.A. Gibbons, A., Young, P. A., Wiley, D. (2012, November). What is the future of our field? What should we be talking about that we are not? – Panel organised and chaired at the Association for Educational Communications and Technology Annual Conference, Louisville, Kentucky.

Asino, T. I., Stager, S. J. J, Ntshalintshali, G., & Semali, L (2012, April) Addresses or speeches: Analysis of CIES presidential addresses on the worldwide education revolution. Paper presented at the Comparative and International Society Conference, San Juan, PR, USA.

Asino, T. I. & Stager (2012, April). Mobile devices for learning and as a currency for social capital. Paper presented as part of the ICT for Development SIG Highlighted Session: Tools of ICT4D: The state of technology in the less developed world, at the Comparative and International Society Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico, USA.

Asino, T. I., deShield, S. I., & Petrovich-Corn, C. M., (2011, November) The Use of Mobile Phones for Learning in Bermuda, Namibia and Poland? Paper presented as part of the International Division, at the Association for Educational Communications and Technology Annual Conference, Jacksonville, Florida, USA.

Asino, T. I., Bishop, M.J., Clark, R. E., Hooper, S., Lockee, B., Reigeluth, C.M., (2011, November). What is the future of our field? What should we be talking about that we are not? – Panel organised and chaired at the Association for Educational Communications and Technology Annual Conference, Jacksonville, Florida.

Asino, T. I., Wilder, H., Sealy, B. J. & Ntshalintshali, G. (2011, November) The Using Mobile Phone for Speaking and Listening Fluency. Paper presented as part of the International Division, at the Association for Educational Communications and Technology Annual Conference, Jacksonville, Florida, USA.

Asino, T. I., deShield, S. I., & Petrovich-Corn, C. M., (2011, May) Who’s ready for mobile learning? Paper presented as part of the ICT for Development SIG Highlighted Session: Tools of ICT4D: Improving education and human capital, at the Paper presented at the annual meeting of the 55th Annual Conference of the Comparative and International Society Conference, Montreal, Canada.

Acheampong, P.I., Asino, T. I., Tsai, H. I, & Zaballero, A. G.(2011, May). Impact of global economic crisis on EFA goals. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the 55th Annual Conference of the Comparative and International Society Conference, Montreal, Canada.

Montalto-Rook, M.; Asino, T. I. & Thanomsing, C. (2010, October). Instructional design theories on mLearning: Developing a framework. Paper presented at the Association for Educational Communications and Technology Annual Conference, Anaheim, California, USA.

Briskin, J.; Asino, T. I.; Montalto-Rook, M. & Dong, Y. (2010, October). Smart apps: An analysis of educational applications available on smartphones and the implications for mobile learning. Paper presented at the Association for Educational Communications and Technology Annual Conference, Anaheim, California, USA.

Semali, L. & Asino, T. I. (2010, October). Explorations of mLearning among Diverse stakeholders: The Case of Tanzania and Namibia. Presented at the 59th American Association for Adult and Continuing Education Conference-Leading and Learning: Meeting Today’s Challenges. Clearwater, Florida, USA


National Conferences

Fulgencio, J. & Asino, T.I. (2018, October). Exploring Sustainability of OER in Higher Education. Presented at the the 15th Annual Open Education Conference. Niagara Falls, New York, USA.

Asino, T. I. (2018, March). Wielding the power of social media for scientific scholarship and advocacy. Presented at the 255th American Chemical Society National Meeting, New Orleans, LA, USA.

Dousay, T. A., Asino, T.I., Luo,T., Krutka, D. G., Greenhalgh,S., Rodesiler, L, Walster, D. (2018, March). Social Media & Teacher Professional Development. Presented at the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE) Annual Conference, Washington, DC, USA.

Dousay, T. A., Wolf, L.G., Green, L., & Asino, T.I., Luo,T.; Krutka, D. G.; Greenhalgh,S.; Rodesiler, L; Walster, D. (2018, March). Rise of the “Teacher Influencers”: Examining the benefits and conundrums. Presented at the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE) Annual Conference, Washington, DC, USA.

Pastore, R., Briskin, J., Asino, T. I. (2018, March). The Effects of the Multimedia, Modality, and Redundancy Principles in a Computer Based Environment on Adult Learners. Presented at the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE) Annual Conference, Washington, DC, USA.

Pulay, A., & Asino, T.I. (2018, March). A Pilot Study Examining Student Opinions of Classroom Furniture for Collaborative Technology Use. Presentation at the Annual Conference of the Interior Design Educators Council. Boston, MA.

Pulay, A., Tripp, P., Asino, T.I., & Chandrasekera, T., (2018, March). A Pilot Study Examining Classroom Lighting on Teacher Productivity. Annual Conference of the Interior Design Educators Council, Boston, MA.

Asino, T. I. & Chen, S-H. (2017, October). Around the World with OER: Sharing Meaning Cross-Culturally. Paper presented the 14th Annual Open Education Conference, Anaheim, California, USA.

Baker, A. & Asino, T. I. (2017, October). Open Education in Developing Countries: Cases from Namibia and Uganda. Paper presented The 14th Annual Open Education Conference, Anaheim, California, USA.

Stager, S. J., Asino, T. I., & Anagiotos, C. (2017, October). Leaning into learning design: a Librarian’s Guide to New Pedagogy. Paper presented The 14th Annual Open Education Conference, Anaheim, California, USA.

Pulay, A., Tripp, P., Asino, T., & Chandrasekera, T., (2017, October). Teacher Attitudes about Their Classroom Environment. Presentation at the Southwest Regional Conference of the Interior Design Educators Council, Dallas, TX.

Asino, T. I. (2016, November). Barriers and/or Panacea to progress: Diffusion of technology in Afrikan Higher Education. Paper presented at The African Heritage Studies Association (AHSA) Conference. Washington, DC., USA.

Asino, T. I. (2016, November). Mobile Learning in Higher Education: The case of two countries in the South of Africa. Paper presented at The African Heritage Studies Association (AHSA) Conference. Washington, DC., USA.

*Baker, A., Asino, T. I., *Fulgencio, J. , & *Ying Xiu, Y., (2016, November) Benefits and Challenges of Adopting Open Textbooks in a K-12 School. Paper presented The 13th Annual Open Education Conference, Richmond, Virginia, USA.

Asino, T.I., *Baker, A., & Chaney, D. (2016, November). Building a Culture for Open Textbooks at Oklahoma State University. Paper presented The 13th Annual Open Education Conference, Richmond, Virginia, USA.

Asino, T. I. & Stager, S. J. (2012, November) What Do the Afrikans say about mLearning? Paper presented at the 55th Annual Meeting of the African Studies Association, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.

Asino, T. I. & Anagiotos, C. (2012, November). How do graduate students use their iPads for learning purposes? Presented at the 61st American Association for Adult and Continuing Education Conference-Developing and Sustaining Adult Learners in the 21st Century. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.

Asino, T. I., Stager, S. J., & Anagiotos, C. (2012, February). Using an Ethnographic Approach to Examine the Use of Mobile Devices by Graduate Students. Presented at the At the 33rd Annual Ethnography in Education Research Forum at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.


Regional, State and Local Conferences

Pulay, A. Tripp, P.J., Asino, T.I., & Chandrasekera, T. (2017, October). Preliminary Results of a Case Study Examining Teacher Attitudes about their Classroom Physical Environment. Paper presented at Interior Design Educators Council (IDEC) Southwest Regional Conference. Dallas, Texas, USA.

Baker*, A. & Asino, T. I. (2016, October) Impact of Professional Development on Technology Innovation by Ugandan Teachers: A Mixed Methods Study. Paper presented at 48th Annual Rocky Mountain Educational Research Association Conference. Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, USA.

Asino, T. I. & Baker*, A. (2016, October). Exploring the intersection between mobile learning and open educational resources. Paper presented at 48th Annual Rocky Mountain Educational Research Association Conference. Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, USA.

Thompson, P. and Asino, T. I. (2016, June). Many Cooks in the Technology Kitchen: Introducing Students to Computer Programming and Design Thinking. Session presented at the CRSTL STEM Teacher Institute, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma, USA.

Briskin, J., Charsky, D. & Asino, T. I., Stager, S. J. (2016, February). Creating Educational Infographics. Presented at the annual Pennsylvania Educational Technology Expo & Conference (PETE&C), Hershey, Pennsylvania, USA

Briskin, J., Charsky, D. & Asino, T. I. (2015, February). Creating Educational Infographics. Presented at the annual Pennsylvania Educational Technology Expo & Conference (PETE&C), Hershey, Pennsylvania, USA.

Asino, T. I., Briskin, J., Techatassanasoontorn, C., & Stager, S. J. (2015, February). Is there really an App for that?!?! Presented at the annual Pennsylvania Educational Technology Expo & Conference (PETE&C), Hershey, Pennsylvania, USA.

Asino, T. I., Briskin, J., Techatassanasoontorn, C., & Stager, S. J. (2013, February). Mobile educational apps…So many choices!! Presented at PETE&C 2013- the annual Pennsylvania Educational Technology Expo & Conference, Hershey, Pennsylvania, USA.

Dousay, T. A., Orey, M., Burton, J., Lockee, B., Murtaugh, M., & Asino, T. I. (2013, February). Graduate students in academia: Should they be seen and not heard? Roundtable session presented at the Eastern Educational Research Association Annual Conference. Sarasota, Florida, USA.

Briskin, J. & Asino, T. I. (2012, February). Enhancing Student Collaboration Online. Presented at PETE&C 2012- the annual Pennsylvania Educational Technology Expo & Conference, Hershey, Pennsylvania, USA.

Hristova, A. & Asino, T. I. (2011, October). mSmart Distance Education. Presented at the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) Eastern Regional Conference at the University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.

Asino, T. I., Techatassanasoontorn, C., & Briskin, J., (2011, February). Using “mobile devices” to supplement classroom instruction. Presented at PETE&C 2011- the annual Pennsylvania Educational Technology Expo & Conference, Hershey, Pennsylvania, USA.

Asino, T. I., (2011, February). Technology lessons from Afrika: harnessing student creativity. Presented at PETE&C 2011- the annual Pennsylvania Educational Technology Expo & Conference, Hershey, Pennsylvania, USA.

Asino, T. I., Aeschbacher, P., Harrow, P., Kenyon, M. Powell, K., Rosas, C. (2010, February). What is Design? – Panel organized and chaired at the IST Graduate Symposium, College of Information Science and Technology, Penn State University, State College, Pennsylvania, USA.

Techatassanasoontorn, C., Asino, T. I., Dong, Y. (2009, November). Developing TaToo with Flex using MVC design pattern. Presented at the Learning and Performance Systems Department poster session, University Park, Pennsylvania, USA.

Asino, T. I. & Stroud, G. (2009, June). Meet the Parents: Creating partnerships with parents to curb student behaviour. Presented at the 2009 NASPA Region II Conference in Long Branch, New Jersey, USA.



2014 – Africana Research Center Student Grant
Research Title: ““Factors That Influence Diffusion of Mobile Devices in Higher Education in Botswana and Namibia.” Awarded by the Africana Research Center, Penn State University, University Park, PA
Grant Amount Awarded: $2,000

2011 – Africana Research Center Student Grant
Research Title: “Adopting mLearning applications in education: The experience of Namibian Students and Teachers.” Awarded by the Africana Research Center, Penn State University, University Park, PA
Grant Amount Awarded: $2,000

2011 – CIED Student Research Grant
Research Title: “Adopting mLearning applications in education: The experience of Namibian Students and Teachers.” Awarded by the Comparative and International Education program, Penn State University, University Park, PA
Grant Amount Awarded: $850

2010 – CIED Student Research Grant
Research Title: “mLearning in Namibia: leveraging usage patterns to improve design, usability and user experiences” Awarded by the Comparative and International Education program, Penn State University, University Park, PA
Grant Amount Awarded: $2000




Association for Education Communications and Technology (AECT)

2018-2019: Past-President, Culture, Learning and Technology Division

2017-2018: President, Culture, Learning and Technology Division

2016-2017: President Elect & Conference Planner, Culture, Learning and Technology Division

2016-2017: Division of Culture, Learning and Technology President Elect & Conference Planner

2015-2017: Awards Committee Member

2016-Present: e/Merge Africa Conference Planner

2015-Present: eLearning Africa Conference Planner

2011-12: Graduate Student Assembly Past-President

2010-11: Graduate Student Assembly President & President-Elect, Conference Planner

2009-10: Graduate Student Assembly President-Elect & Conference Planner

Comparative International Society Conference (CIES)

2012-Present: Indigenous Knowledge and the Academy (IKA) SIG Chair

2017 Joyce Cain Award Chair

2016-17: SIG Oversight Committee Member

2012-Present: Conference Planner & Proposal Reviewer

Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education Conference 2016

2016-2017: African Perspectives SIG Chair

2016-Present: Social Media SIG Member


Service to Journals

2017: Editor, Special Issue: FIRE: Forum for International Research in Education (In preparation)

2017: Co-Editor, Special Issue: Culture, Learning and Technology, TechTrends

2017: Co-Editor, Special Issue: Social Media and Emerging Spaces for Professional Development, TechTrends

2017-Present: Reviewer, Education and Self Development Journal

2016-Present: Reviewer, Journal of Formative Design in Learning

2014-Present: Reviewer, The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning (IRRODL)

2013-15: Positing the Future Column Editor, TechTrends



Oklahoma State University

Educational Media and Technology Student Association Advisor

Sexual Violence Prevention Committee Member

University textbook affordability Committee Member

Student Affairs Committee, College of Education, Health and Aviation Member

School of Educational Foundations, Leadership and Aviation RPT taskforce Member

School of Educational Studies Student Affairs committee, School of Educational Studies Member

EHA Scholarship

College of Education, Health and Aviation International Advisory Council Member

Penn State University

Comparative International Education Program Review Taskforce

President & Past President, Penn State International Education Student Association (IESA)

Graduate Symposium planning committee, College of Information Science and Technology

Cabrini College

College Strategic Planning Committee

College Diversity Committee

Cabrini College & Catholic Relief Services Partnership


Community Outreach Services

2017-Present: Application reader and reviewer, US State Department, Mandela Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders

2015-16: Co-Moderator & Coordinator, #AECTchat Twitter chat

2016: Guest Moderator, #oklaed Twitter chat



Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT), 2009 – present

Comparative International Education Society (CIES), 2009 – present

The American Educational Research Association (AERA), 2011 – present