Tutaleni Iita Asino




Tutaleni Iita Asino






25/04/2023 The Decolinsation Hexagon

I have always had a love-hate relationship with the term decolonisation, which I have publicly made known in different forums….

08/11/2022 Conversations we are not having – Conversations we need to have

Sometimes we cower under the guise of fidelity to scholarship while ignoring what we deem to be on the periphery….

02/09/2022 Leaving Your Door Open

Coming to an office and shutting the door allows one to focus and get stuff done. But it also makes…

01/09/2022 Sawubona Joburg!

This fall 2022 semester, I am on sabbatical, meaning that I do not have to teach courses until January of…

29/07/2021 Shopping while black….with an “accent”

I’ve enjoyed a small streak of days free from blatant racism (overt is another thing), but that ended today at…

10/07/2021 On dignity and robbery during COVID

These days I am thinking a lot about dignity and robbery. The context of COVID19 worldwide, specifically the surge in…