Tutaleni Iita Asino




Tutaleni Iita Asino





on design

31/12/2014 What I read…DBR

Design Experiments in Educational Research by Cobb, P., diSessa, A., Lehrer, R., Schauble, L. (2003) In this article Cobb et…

27/08/2013 UCD4D

A reaction to “User centered design and international development.” Dearden, et al (2007) The concept of User Centred Design (UCD)…

27/06/2013 Designers as neo-colonialist

Any good designer knows that involving users in the design process is crucial to the success of what is being…

16/12/2009 Reaction Note: Chapter 10: Orchestration and Flow

word count: 629 Summary: Chapter 10 focused on the need for interaction designers to get out of the way of…

05/11/2009 Reaction note: Synthesizing Good Design: Principles and Patterns

Summary: In declaring that “a solution’s ability to meet the goals and needs of users while also accommodating business goals…

18/10/2009 Reaction Note: From Requirements to Design: The Framework and Refinement

Summary: Having focused on research and planning in previous chapters, Cooper et al, move into discussing the actual design. The…